My friend, I have forgotten all that’s passed,
The passion of my youth was rather brief.
Don’t ask about the things that didn’t last,
Or how I felt in the times of joy or grief,
Or what I loved, on how I was betrayed.
I may not know true happiness today:
But you are innocent, conceived for only bliss,
Believe in it and seize each moment’s portion
Your soul was made for friendship and devotion,
To feel the passion of a kiss.
Your soul is pure and unexposed to sadness
Your conscience is still clear like light of day,
Why listen to the lunacy and madness
Of all of my uninteresting hearsay?
It will replace your peaceful thoughts with stress,
Your heart will tremble, you will cry in bed,
Your soul will lose its trust in its distress,
Perhaps, my love will fill you with regret.
Who knows? perhaps forever... No, my dear,
I fear to cast my final happiness away
Don’t ask for dangerous confessions here,
Today I love, I’m happy for today.